1st International Conference on Future RFID Technologies | Eger, Hungary | | E-mail
FutureRFID 2014



Call for papers and participation
The Eszterházy Károly College and Bay Zoltán Nonprofit Ltd. for Applied Research are organizing the
1st International Conference on Future RFID Technologies
and host the
Workshop on Smart Applications for Smart Cities
Eger, Hungary


The 1st International Conference on Future RFID Technologies is oriented toward professional exchange of ideas in the field of RFID technologies, Internet of Things, and Future Internet. The goal of the conference is to provide a forum for the discussion of academic research, demonstrate case studies and exchange ideas on innovative RFID solutions. The location of the conference offers a unique atmosphere of a smart city in conjunction with Hungarian hospitality.

The conference is supported by the John von Neumann Computer Society and the Regional Committee in Miskolc of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

The conference also hosts as a co-event the Workshop on Smart Applications for Smart Cities organized by Márton Ispány (DE IK), Gábor Fehér (BME TMIT), Károly Farkas (BME HIT), András A. Benczúr (MTA SZTAKI).

The workshop covers the fields of sensor-enabled smart objects including the smart-mobile devices connected in the networked infrastructure and endowed with smart services form the basis of what has come to be called as Smart Cities. The range of applications covers several essential service verticals such as energy, health care, transport, tourism, governance, automation and manufacturing. The aim of the one-day workshop is to bring experts from academic and industry sectors together to discuss the recent developments in services and technologies for Smart Cities.

The conference will have the following sections:

  • Sensor and Actuator Networks
  • Ultra-Low Power Technologies
  • Body Sensor Networks
  • Smart Devices
  • NFC and Short Range Evolution
  • Software Architectures and Middleware
  • Big Data and Data Mining
  • Localization Technologies
  • Other fields of Future Internet
  • Security, Trust and Privacy
  • Semantic Technologies
  • Smart Objects, New Sensing
  • Collaborative Applications and Systems
  • Smart Cities
  • e-Health
  • Metrics, Measurement of Internet of Things
  • Sustainability of the Internet of Things
  • Other fields of Internet of Things

The conference and the workshop will have a joint proceedings.

The submitted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, which will have an ISSN number. If we receive enough high-level publication, those selected papers will be published in a special issue of Annales Mathematicae et Informaticae also.

We also welcome contributions to our poster session of the conference. The poster session will be 45 minutes long. Posters should present ongoing work or achievements in the area of RFID technologies, Internet of Things, and Future Internet to be displayed and discussed with other participants in an informal manner.

Conference Chairmen:László Pap
Secretary:Gábor Kusper
Program Committee:
András Benczúr
Ateet Bhalla
Attila Buchman
Csaba Deák
Endre Pap
Ferenc Balázs
Ferenc Hartung
Géza Husi
Gyula Simon
Ibolya Prokajné Szilágyi
István Juhász
István Oniga
János Csirik
János Sztrik
János Végh
József Bánlaki
Kálmán Liptai
László Kovács
Miklós Hoffman
Péter Bakonyi
Pál Gyenizse
Sándor Imre
Tamás Bérczes
Tamás Kovácsházy
Tamás Kozsik
Tünde Molnár Lengyel
Valentina E. Balas
Organizing Committee:
 Chairman: Emőd Kovács
Gábor Geda
Gábor Kusper
Roland Király
Tibor Juhász
Ágnes Nagyné Bertalan
András Perjési
Tibor Radványi
Gábor Kovács
Péter Szigetváry
Péter Takács
Tibor Tajti
Tibor Tómács


Dates and fees

All deadlines are at 23:59 UTC-12 ("anywhere on earth").

The Organizing Committee made the following changes to the deadlines:

Abstract submission deadline:1 September, 2014
Author notification:1 October, 2014
Registration deadline:15 October, 2014
Camera-ready versions of papers due:15 October, 2014

Registration fee:

There is no registration fee.

We would like to build up a successful conference series, therefore, there is no registration fee in case of this first one. Please note that one still has to pay for his or her meals and accommodation.


lunch / person / day4200 HUF or 14 €
dinner / person / day4200 HUF or 14 €
dinner with wine-sampling6300 HUF or 21 €


We recommend the following hotels:

The location of the conference:

Map location icon Main Building of Eszterházy Károly College, Lyceum

Payment information: